110th Anniversary Musical

Ying Wa Girls’ School

Fiona is busily answering MSN messages about her academic achievement from her envious friends when she receives a call from her sister Alice, who threatens to expose her misdeed unless she makes a donation to her Save Polar Bear Fund. 

A greater storm awaits when Mom would not allow Dad to watch football because Alice is reported missing from school.  Watching the two shouting at each other, Fiona is amused by their curious resemblance to two dueling violinists.

Alice finds herself in a totally different world.  She meets Salesman, nicknamed Rabbit, who never misses a chance to accumulate his wealth.  Alice proves herself to be an adroit learner as she turns his trick against him and even steals his ‘precious’.

In the principal’s office, Alice is flanked by three disgruntled teachers with a pile of complaints about her misbehaviour. 

Obviously, her way to set up a fund for polar bears has not met with general approval.  In her confusion, she wonders if the school is in a conspiracy to fix her brain.  As the noise of the teachers die down, she sees a path opening up and makes her escape.

Scene 1

Scene 3

Scene 2

Story—Act 1