13 April 2023

First Runner-up of ZIHK Inter-school 3x3 Basketball Competition

4 representatives of our Grade A Basketball Team participated in the Zurich Insurance Hong Kong (ZIHK) Inter-school 3x3 Basketball Competition - The Game 2022-2023.  It takes sweat, determination, and hard work for the team to reach where they are.  With much pride, the team attained excellent results and won First Runner-up. 

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8 April 2023

Joint School Outdoor Sketch Activities at Lei Yue Mun

The Visual Arts Departments of YWGS and YWC (Ying Wa College) jointly organised outdoor sketch activities at Lei Yue Mun on April 7-8.  These activities were catered for senior form Visual Arts students and junior art enthusiasts.

Participants had the opportunity to explore various locations at Lei Yue Mun, including the seafood street and prominent landmarks such as the Lei Yue Mun Lighthouse, Tin Hau Temple, and Lei Yue Mun quarry.  They captured the beauty of these locations through photography, sketching, and admired the captivating view of Victoria Harbour.

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31 March 2023

Easter Service 2023

The Easter Service, organized by the Religious Committee, was held on March 31, 2023.   We were delighted to have our alumna, Rev. Kam Siu Wan (金少雲牧師) as our guest speaker.  Rev. Kam shared with us the theme of “Meeting with Jesus Christ” through the story of Mary of Magdala, the first person to whom Jesus appeared after his resurrection.  Relating to the story, she further invited us to grasp every opportunity to encounter Jesus Christ in our daily lives.  The service indeed highlighted the significance of Easter and gave us a chance to ponder on the blessings we receive from Easter.

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31 March 2023


英華自學中心於三月下旬出版第六十六期<<悅書林>>,該刊物旨在為師生提供一個交流平台,通過互相分享閱讀的體驗和心得,鼓勵同學培養閱讀習慣,營造良好的校園閱讀氣氛。<<悅書林>> 涵蓋各學科的好書推薦,包括文學、歷史、人文、藝術、科學等多個領域,以切合同學的興趣和需要,拓展同學的視野,開拓多元閱讀。我們期待更多的老師和同學參與,一起分享閱讀的樂趣。

<<悅書林>>第六十六期 (點擊)

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31 March 2023

Extra Fine (10th Issue)

The English Department is thrilled to announce the release of the 10th issue of Extra Fine!

This bi-annual publication showcases exceptional writing from our student community, with a focus on fostering creativity and appreciation for the art of writing.  From essays and poems to short stories, each issue features a diverse range of formats and styles that celebrate the unique voices and perspectives of our students. 

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29 March 2023

Visit to Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum

Ten S4 history students visited the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of Sun Yat-sen’s life and his contributions to China’s modernization.  During the visit, the students explored the challenges faced by China during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican period, as well as Sun Yat-sen's efforts to strengthen the motherland.  Not only did the visit enrich students’ historical knowledge, but also it helped to develop and strengthen their sense of national identity.

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29 March 2023

Class Assembly Series (2022-2023)

The tradition of class assemblies is much cherished at Ying Wa.  From planning to execution, students are encouraged to develop their talents.  This year, the class assemblies of S4 and S5 classes took the form of dramas and centered around positive values such as confidence, embracing failures and better time management.  The series took place during the challenging time of COVID restrictions and subsequent recovery.  Despite this, every class displayed strong cooperation, creating an engaging and inspiring series of performances.  It was heartwarming to see students express their creativity while promoting important values that will help them in their future endeavours.

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28 March 2023


英華女學校話劇組以參賽作品《深水情緣》參加2022-2023年度香港學校戲劇節,榮獲多個獎項,包括傑出合作獎和評判推介演出獎。三位校友胡喜童、吳家希、楊彥鈴 (2021年畢業) 獲得傑出劇本獎;陳穎欣(四戊班)獲得傑出導演獎;李焯妍(二甲班)、劉心弦 (二乙班)  、馮焯芝 (二乙班)  、簡梓晴(二丁班)、呂穎暄(三甲班) 及 蘇倬瑩 (三丙班)則分別獲得傑出演員獎;吳衍頤(二戊班)和蕭勉沂(三丁班)獲得傑出音響效果獎。每位同學在比賽中均能全力以赴,表現出色,充分體現了團隊合作精神,成果甚豐!

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