16 July 2018

第三十五屆全國青少年信息學奧林匹克競賽(NOI 2018)

陳緯慈同學 (六丙班) 於二零一七年十二月參加香港電腦奧林匹克競賽決賽,獲得高級組銅獎。陳緯慈獲邀接受一連串密集訓練,且以優異表現被選為香港代表,並於二零一八年七月十六至廿二日參加在湖南長沙舉行的全國青少年信息學奧林匹克競賽(NOI 2018)。四百七十名參賽者來自港澳兩地及全國三十一個省區,各選手須於指定時間內編寫程式及解決難題,難度極高。香港六位選手表現出色,得到近十年來參賽的最佳成績(一銀四銅)。陳緯慈能夠跟全國選手互相切磋,獲益良多。

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14 July 2018

Farewell Day (Album 4)

Riding on the success of the Spring Bazaar, Ying Wa threw open its doors to the public for the second time on 14 July 2018.  This time it was for bidding farewell to Sham Shui Po, as the sixth and final year of our stay at this decanting campus drew to a close.

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14 July 2018

Farewell Day (Album 3)

Riding on the success of the Spring Bazaar, Ying Wa threw open its doors to the public for the second time on 14 July 2018.  This time it was for bidding farewell to Sham Shui Po, as the sixth and final year of our stay at this decanting campus drew to a close.

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14 July 2018

Farewell Day (Album 2)

Riding on the success of the Spring Bazaar, Ying Wa threw open its doors to the public for the second time on 14 July 2018.  This time it was for bidding farewell to Sham Shui Po, as the sixth and final year of our stay at this decanting campus drew to a close.

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14 July 2018

Farewell Day (Album 1)

Riding on the success of the Spring Bazaar, Ying Wa threw open its doors to the public for the second time on 14 July 2018.  This time it was for bidding farewell to Sham Shui Po, as the sixth and final year of our stay at this decanting campus drew to a close.

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13 July 2018

End-of-term Service 2018

The school term drew to a close on 13 July with two sessions of the End-of-term Service for junior and senior forms.  Principal, Mr Kwan Hon-cheung Francis, delivered an invigorating speech about the student achievements in academic studies and different co-curricular activities.  He urged all Ying Wa girls to project confidence while remaining humble at heart, and uphold the core values of Ying Wa.

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13 July 2018

Participation in Summer Concert of St. Paul’s College (SPC)

The Junior Choir was invited to perform in St. Paul's College (SPC) Summer Concert on 13 July.  They sang with students from SPC and Belilios Public School.  It was a wonderful experience to make music with talented musicians from other schools, widen their repertoire and build bridges for future collaboration.

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10 July 2018

Speech Day 2018

Our annual Speech Day for S.6 graduates was held on 10th July.  Principal, Mr Kwan Hon-cheung Francis welcomed parents and congratulated graduates on their successful completion of secondary school education.  Ms Lam Lai-bing Alison, Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) manager and alumna, also delivered her words of encouragement for the students.  Among the honourable guests was former Secretary for Justice, Mr. Wong Yan-lung, GBM, SC.  In his address, he shared personal stories from his journey as a Christian serving the Lord.  He also encouraged the graduates to be determined and persevering. 

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