8 March 2024

Animal Companionship Programme (2024)

The Guidance Committee organised the 'Animal Companionship Programme' (「寵」伴同行) on Mar 8.  This programme was designed to enhance students' mood and overall well-being by creating a comforting, relaxing, and soothing atmosphere through the presence of animals.

During the programme, Ms. Angela Chan, the founder of the Hong Kong Homeless Dog Shelter, shared inspiring stories of how these stray dogs revitalised their lives despite being seriously sick or injured.  The lives of these dogs served as valuable life lessons, touching the hearts of everyone.

The Animal Companionship Programme not only provided a much-needed boost for students' well-being but also highlighted the importance of empathy, care, and compassion towards animals and themselves.  It was evident that the students thoroughly enjoyed their time with the dogs, and the dogs also derived happiness from spending time with our students.
