21 March 2019

New Campus Opening Service cum Induction Day

To mark the momentous occasion of the opening of the new campus, two services were held respectively on 21 March (S4-5) and 22 March (S1-3) as we embark on a new chapter in our journey to provide better learning and teaching environment to students.  In the services, Mr. Kwan thanked all Ying Wa members for their hard work and dedication in the redevelopment project and highlighted some interesting details of the school design. 

Afterwards, the school was enlivened with students passing water buckets, mops and towels around to clean their own classrooms.  They also received precious gifts – their desks and chairs, which they unwrapped on this special day.  In addition to cleaning, a campus tour was organized by the Life Education Committee in which student leaders from the Student Association showed the girls around to help them familiarize with the new campus.
