19 March 2024

S5 CSD Mainland Study Tour 2024

The first ever 2-day-1-night S5 Citizenship and Social Development Mainland Study Tour was conducted smoothly and successfully on March 19 and 20, 2024.  The tour was sponsored by the Education Bureau and organized by H.C. International Exchange Center (華暢東方文化國際交流有限公司).  121 S5 students and 15 teachers spent two days in Shenzhen to learn about the city’s cultural preservation and innovative technology (深圳文化保育及創新科技內地考察兩天團). 

The convenience and efficiency of crossing the border via the Liantang / Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point (蓮塘/香園圍口岸) took us to Shenzhen in no time.  Our first stop was the Shenzhen Reform & Opening-up Exhibition Hall (深圳改革開放展覽館) in which students learned about the background, impressive progress and major achievements of our country’s reform and opening-up.  The various displays of pictures and relevant items consolidated what students had learned in Citizenship & Social Development, History and Chinese history lessons.     

The next stop was the Shenzhen Museum (深圳博物館).  After a guided tour at the Shenzhen Museum of History and Folk Culture, students were free to visit the Shenzhen Museum of Ancient Art, the Shenzhen Reform and Opening-up Exhibition Hall, and the Former Site of Dongjiang River Guerrilla Command Headquarters, catering for their individual interests. 

The second day of the tour began at the Longgang District Science & Technology Museum (龍崗區科技館) which was totally different from the previous day’s history-oriented attractions.  Students were thrilled to be engaged in a variety of interactive exhibits which let them explore the fun of science and technology.  We were also inspired by some cutting-edge technologies such as the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily life. 

On top of visiting history and science-oriented attractions, our last stop, the Gankeng Hakka Town (甘坑客家小鎮) allowed us to appreciate the country’s cultural preservation.  Students got to learn about traditional Hakka culture and strolled around the area, visiting old buildings and appreciating the beautiful landscape.   

Overall, students loved the unforgettable two-day Mainland Study Tour as this authentic experience allowed them to learn and to see the rapid progress of Shenzhen.    
