8 November 2023

Sharing by Watoto

The whole school assembly on November 8 featured a special sharing session by Watoto, a charitable organization providing care for children affected by instabilities in Uganda, Africa.  Watoto led a group of Ugandan children who showcased vibrant African dances.  The performance was not only eye-opening but also displayed the resilience, bravery, and faith in the Lord of these children.  Students thoroughly enjoyed the performance, immersing themselves in the rich culture and appreciating the message of strength, optimism, and spiritual devotion it conveyed.

In addition to the performance, the Ugandan children had the opportunity to attend a lunch gathering with YW students.  During this time, they engaged in cultural sharing, exchanging stories and traditions from their homeland.  The interaction was a truly enriching experience, fostering cross-cultural understanding and building connections between YW students and the Ugandan children.
