13 September 2021

Certificate of Merit – JS History e-Reading Award Scheme 2021

Organized jointly by the Education Bureau, The University of Hong Kong and The e-Learning Development Laboratory from March to May, the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2021 was an e-reading program with more than 100 secondary schools joining.  Through reading on an e-learning platform, the program aims at promoting students’ interest in history under self-directed learning.  The program can also foster a positive reading atmosphere and culture in school.  4 of our girls had outstanding performance and were awarded with Certificates of Merit.

List of Awardees (2020-2021)

Lau Hok Yau (3C), Ng Hoi Ying(3D), Shih Maan Chi (3D) and Ching Wing Yin (3E)