20 July 2024

Award of Trade Challenge

The FedEx / JA International Trade Challenge is a competition designed to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and business skills of students in the Asia-Pacific Region.  Two S6 students, Xu Lok Yi (6C) and Shih Maan Chi (6E), formed a team and emerged as winners by developing international market entry strategy plans for specific products targeting a designated market.  As the Hong Kong Winning Team, they will represent Hong Kong alongside student delegates from India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam in the Asia-Pacific Finals scheduled to take place in Singapore in August 2024.

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17 July 2024

HKDSE "Super Top Scorer"

Congratulations to Lau Hok Yau (6D) for obtaining 7 subjects with 5** grades (including Mathematics Extension) in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination, becoming a "super top scorer"!  In recognition of her accomplishment, Hok Yau will be awarded HK$100,000 by the Yu Chu Lam Scholarship (庾柱林獎學金).

恭賀本屆6D班劉翯悠同學在文憑試(HKDSE)考獲7科 5**佳績(包括數學延伸),成為超級狀元!為表揚劉同學的成就,她將獲得庾柱林獎學金港幣十萬元,以茲鼓勵及支持。

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15 July 2024

End-of-term Service 2024

The End-of-term Service, held on July 15, marked the conclusion of the 2023-2024 school term.  Our Principal, Mr Francis Kwan, delivered a speech where he shared insights from the recent Speech Day's honourable guest, Dr Libby Li.  Mr Kwan emphasised the value of being willing to try even in uncertain times, as it will lead individuals towards the right path and answers.  He also highlighted the outstanding achievements of several S6 students in academics, extra-curricular activities, service, and their courageous pursuit of excellence.

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12 July 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024 (SA & Inter-house)

On July 12, the 75th Student Association, Solidarite, and the 33rd Inter-house Committee, Chatoyant, held their Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Throughout the school year, both Solidarite and Chatoyant dedicated themselves to organising a diverse range of activities, demonstrating their unwavering dedication and teamwork.  These efforts, supported by the teacher advisors, were not only successful but also showcased immense commitment.  In the closing remarks, our Principal, Mr Francis Kwan, sincerely expressed his appreciation for the exceptional efforts of all students.  Their hard work and dedication greatly contributed to a rewarding and fruitful school year, instilling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

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12 July 2024

Prize Presentation Ceremony 2024 (Album 2)

On July 10, the Prize Presentation Ceremony was held to recognize and honour the achievements of deserving students.  Numerous scholarships, awards, and certificates were presented to celebrate their exceptional accomplishments, not only in academics but also in various activities that contribute to their personal growth. 

Our Principal, Mr Francis Kwan, commended the students for their outstanding achievements. In his address, he emphasised the importance of a well-rounded education, encouraging students to strive for excellence in both academics and extracurricular pursuits.  Mr Kwan's words reminded us of the significance of pursuing diverse interests and maintaining a balanced approach to personal development.

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12 July 2024

Prize Presentation Ceremony 2024 (Album 1)

On July 10, the Prize Presentation Ceremony was held to recognize and honour the achievements of deserving students.  Numerous scholarships, awards, and certificates were presented to celebrate their exceptional accomplishments, not only in academics but also in various activities that contribute to their personal growth. 

Our Principal, Mr Francis Kwan, commended the students for their outstanding achievements. In his address, he emphasised the importance of a well-rounded education, encouraging students to strive for excellence in both academics and extracurricular pursuits.  Mr Kwan's words reminded us of the significance of pursuing diverse interests and maintaining a balanced approach to personal development.

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11 July 2024




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10 July 2024

Speech Day 2024 (Album 2)

The annual Speech Day took place on July 9 at the Silcocks Hall.  Mr Francis Kwan, our Principal, warmly welcomed parents and congratulated the graduates on their successful completion of secondary school.  We were privileged to have Dr Libby Lee (李夏茵醫生), JP, an alumna and the Under Secretary for Health at the Health Bureau (醫務衞生局副局長) of the HKSAR, PRC, as one of our distinguished guests.

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