Language & Arts
Debate & Drama
English Debate Team
The Debate Team aims at enhancing students’ critical thinking, thought-organising and analytical, research and language skills. It is the team’s goal to nurture confident and eloquent speakers who excel in logical argumentation and persuasive delivery. Demonstration debates are held in assemblies occasionally, enlightening both debaters and schoolmates. In recent years, the school has also joined numerous prestigious regional debate competitions, namely the Junior Schools Debating Championships (JSDC), the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) and the Hong Kong Bar Association Debating Competition. Inter-school invitational debates have also encouraged students to polish their debating skills and interact with debaters from different schools. Displaying very high levels of rhetorical skills, our members have done us proud at many of the above contests, winning titles including Champion of Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition 2017-18 Term 2 Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Senior Division I, Top Ten Speaker (4th) of Bar Association Debating Competition 2018, and Senior Champion of Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition 2018-2019 Term 1 - HK1 and KLN Enhanced Format. The Debate Team indeed gives debaters invaluable opportunities to learn the art of words, arguments and communication, which is not only useful in academics but in real life.
Drama Club
The Drama Club promotes drama education in school. Through various drama activities, students’ understanding of drama elements and techniques are enhanced. During general meetings, members attend makeup and voice training workshops, do role plays, watch drama performances and join acting classes. Participation in the Hong Kong School Drama Festival every year offers members valuable learning opportunities. They participate in rehearsals, script writing, casting, prop making, set design and finally the actual performance. The collaborative work makes the activities both enjoyable and memorable.
Visual Arts
Art Club
The Art Club cultivates students’ love towards art and allows them to experience the joy of meaningful art making in various media. Students participate in a great variety of art workshops such as clay relief making, frosted glassware art, and wooden signage art as well as guided art tours. Members are able to enjoy drama viewings to broaden their horizons towards different art forms. Art workshops are also carried out to allow members to create works with practical uses such as artistic wall decorations and unique designs of tableware. Creativity has been enhanced throughout these ongoing activities and artistic potentials unearthed among club members.
Dance Team
The Chinese Dance Team and the Jazz Dance Team provide a platform for students who are passionate about dancing to spread their love of dance. The teams allow students to cultivate their technique and team spirit working as a cohesive and united group. Students have been able to meet new friends and strengthen the bonds among them through participating in events such as the Christmas Variety Show and other competitions and performances.
The achievements in both the Chinese Dance Team and the Jazz Dance Team are impressive. They have won multiple awards in local and regional dance competitions every year including the Choreography Award (2019-2020) and the Honour Award (2018-2020) in the Schools Dance Festival, the Gold Award (2016-2019) in the Dance World Cup and the Silver Award (2016-2019) in the Open Dance Contest.
Putonghua Club
The Putonghua Club arouses students’ interest and builds confidence in using Putonghua. Throughout the year, workshops and general meetings are held to enhance students’ understanding of the language. Club meetings have various interesting themes such as Chinese dramas, TV shows and Chinese dialects. Besides these meetings, the club holds the Putonghua Day annually so that students can have fun learning Putonghua through games. To further encourage students to practise their Putonghua outside class, some students are selected to represent the club at inter-school speech competitions every year.
In the Toastmasters International Youth Programme, students learn to develop leadership and communication skills in a friendly and supportive environment. In the 10-session course, students gradually build up confidence and develop skills in public speaking through conducting weekly meetings where they receive training from coaches from diverse professional backgrounds and have a chance to take up various roles such as chairing the meeting, delivering speeches and giving feedback. At the end of the programme, students participate in a speech contest in which they can put the knowledge and skills they have learned into use. The programme provides an invaluable and precious experience for students to enjoy and take pride in.
Choral Speaking Teams
Cantonese and Putonghua Choral Speaking
Through choral speaking, students learn to appreciate and narrate poetry. Every year, our Cantonese and Putonghua choral speaking teams join the Hong Kong School Speech Festival to further develop members’ interest in language. While the majority of the team members are junior form students, after rehearsing tirelessly, they are able to put on outstanding performances. On top of that, self-confidence and cohesion often are enhanced among students after the competitions.
English Choral Speaking
Ying Wa girls have proudly participated in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival English Choral Speaking competition and achieved outstanding results. Through rehearsals, students not only perfect their English speaking skills, but are also able to build confidence and creativity in bringing a performance to life. At the 70th Anniversary Festival, Class 3E was awarded 1st place for their rendition of the poem Of Course There was Nobody There by Janis Priestly. The girls worked tirelessly to perfect every line and movement over several months. They were praised by adjudicator Rosalind Taylor for their ability to work cohesively, with every single girl showing the discipline needed to create an almost flawless performance. Class 3A also showed the same level of commitment to rehearsals and responded graciously when they learned that the competition had unfortunately been cancelled this year due to the coronavirus epidemic. Despite this setback, the girls cherished the experience and reflected that they had bonded as a class. Choral speaking perfectly showcases the inclusive spirit at Ying Wa and the girls’ dedication to proudly represent the school in all areas.
Relay Writing
Our relay writing scheme offers students the precious opportunity to publish their writings. Every year, students form teams to establish volumes of at least 30,000 Chinese characters. After adjudication, the best entry receives the honour of being launched at the Hong Kong Book Fair.
The scheme promotes students’ creativity and writing skills. In many cases, students find it enjoyable and participate in it year after year.
Quintessence is a platform that promotes writing. Annually, well-written book reviews and writing pieces from students are published in a collection. At the end of each academic year, students can get a free copy of the collection to appreciate one another’s good pieces.
自己的作品可以印刷成書, 對我校的小作家而言,無疑是一大鼓舞,令他們對自己的創作信念更多了一份肯定。從設計封面,到內裡的每一行,每一字,也是老師和同學的心血, 即使這文集並不是甚麼驚世傑作,但它在我們心中卻是完美無瑕的。出版《綴文樂》的目的除了鼓勵同學創作外,也希望為同學提供互相觀摩的機會,從中互相欣賞、互相學習。《綴文樂》每年七月出版,每位英華員生,都獲贈乙本。
Read-on 《悅書林》
Read-on is a publication established with the purpose of encouraging students to read more. It is issued thrice a year with book recommendations from various teachers and students, as well as movie reviews from school alumnae. It is a valuable channel for different school members to exchange thoughts and connect with one another.
第七十期 | 第六十九期 | 第六十八期 | 第六十七期 | 第六十六期 |
Extra Fine
Extra Fine is a bi-annual publication which showcases talented Ying Wa writers from across all forms. An initiative of the English Department, Extra Fine collects the best of students’ writings in class and provides a platform to show their creativity and to acknowledge individual students’ hard work. By reading their fellow classmates’ pieces, students can see what is possible and be inspired to pick up their pen and hone their own writing craft.