24 November 2024

Champion in First Aid Competition

On November 24, 2024, YW girls from the Red Cross Youth Unit 11 participated in the Youth First Aid Competition organized by the Hong Kong Island Division.  After completing a quiz and performing first aid treatment at a simulated accident scenario, our team won the Champion in the First Aid Case Scenario and the Overall Champion title in the HKID Youth First Aid Competition.  They showcased their knowledge on first aid skills and their adaptability in handling an unseen scenario under limited time.  Wong Hoi Ching Ally (5E) received the Best Leader in the First Aid Case Scenario.

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21 November 2024

Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows Competition Silver Award

Our String Orchestra was awarded the Silver Award in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows Competition organized by the Music Office of the HKSAR.  The String Orchestra delivered an impressive rendition of Handel’s Concerto Grosso No.1 in G, Op.6 in the competition.

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20 November 2024

Sharing by the Interact Club

The long-anticipated presentation by the Interact Club on the Uganda Trip with Watoto Asia in July took place during the morning assembly on November 20, 2024.  10 participants from S3 to S5 shared their unforgettable and inspiring experiences from the 14-day service tour.  Their accounts included interactions with local students, caring for children, playing games and building a shelter for the needy.  Their encounters were filled with tears, touching moments, joy and gratitude.  The students conveyed three important messages to the audience:  the importance of pursuing one’s dreams, having a passion for learning and showing love to others.  Students learn that we all face adversities in different forms and at varying scales.  Thoug

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16 November 2024


為慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年,本校舞蹈隊於11月16日參加了「心繫家國 3.0」聯校國民教育活動,名為「同心匯演賀國慶」。舞蹈隊演出了中國舞《春嬉》。這段舞蹈描繪了春天的到來,萬物復甦,女孩們在夢境中一邊工作一邊嬉戲,展現出自然純粹的輕柔生活。此次表演不僅展示了演出者的才華,也表達了對祖國的祝福。

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15 November 2024

Careers Talk by EMSD

The Physics Department and the Careers Committee collaborated to invite the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) to deliver a talk to S3 students.  The session outlined various career paths in the department, highlighting job responsibilities and the importance of electrical and mechanical engineering in public service.  Students gained valuable insights into the skills required and the diverse opportunities available, encouraging them to consider this vital sector for their future careers.

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13 November 2024

Talk by Ms Mandy Ng

On November 13, we were delighted to have invited Ms Mandy Ng, Chief Business Transformation Officer of AS Watson Group, to speak to our students about her career.  Ms Ng shared insights into her daily responsibilities, which range from developing a customer loyalty programme to analysing customers’ spending patterns.  She emphasized the importance of leveraging the diverse personality traits of team members, illustrating how this synergy can lead to a successful and cohesive team.  Her message inspired students to embrace their individuality and not shy away from being themselves.

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9 November 2024

Green Power Beach Cleaning

On November 9, eight S4 - S5 students participated in a beach clean-up activity organized by Green Power at Shui Hau, Lantau Island. Joining hands with students from other schools, all participants successfully collected 176 kg of solid waste, making a significant impact on the local environment.  Following the clean-up activity, an eco-tour was conducted to allow students to explore the local ecology and environment, providing them with valuable insights into the natural world around them.

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9 November 2024

Mentorship Programme 2024-25 Orientation Day

This school year marks the 21st anniversary of the Mentorship Programme, a collaboration between the Alumnae Association and the Careers Committee.  The 2024-25 programme kicked off at Silcocks Hall on November 9.  This year, there are a total of 49 students and 46 mentors participating in the Programme.  Our heartfelt appreciation goes to all the mentors who selflessly devote their time and expertise to us, providing invaluable professional advice and guidance to our students, guiding them towards success and personal growth.

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