12 May 2024

First-runner Up of Lacrosse Competition

Our Lacrosse Team achieved an impressive accomplishment, securing the first-runner up position in the All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary Schools Lacrosse Competition 2023-2024.  The competition took place at the Jockey Club HKFA Football Training Center on May 12.  We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated team members, as well as the coach and PE teacher who played vital roles in this outstanding achievement.

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9 May 2024

Sharing by Ms Karen Lo

The Citizenship & Social Development (CSD) Department was very pleased to have invited alumna Ms Karen Lo (Graduate of 2017) to share with classes 5A and 5C on May 6 and 9, 2024.  Karen shared her interesting encounters in Hong Kong upon her arrival from Chaozhou (潮州).  Not being able to master Cantonese at that time, she gave us a good laugh by recalling how her misinterpretation and misunderstanding of Cantonese landed her in bewilderment, embarrassment and even in trouble in primary school and in a fast-food restaurant.  She then proceeded in teaching the girls a few phrases in the Chaozhou dialect which is very difficult to pronounce accurately and shared unique customs such as the tea culture, the food culture and religious practices.  The

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8 May 2024

Cantonese Public Speaking Activity 2024

Four Secondary 2 to 4 students participated in the Cantonese speech activity in the morning assembly on May 8, delivering speeches related to values education.  Various topics were covered, including themes such as daring to dream, bravery, the labeling effect, and the pros and cons of information technology.  The event provided an excellent opportunity for students to practice their public speaking skills and share their thoughts on important social issues.  As for the audience, they were able to learn from the speakers’ insights and gain a deeper understanding of the values of moral and civic education.

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8 May 2024

Princeton Club HK Book Award 2024

Tam Hoi Yan (5E) was honoured with the Princeton Club of Hong Kong Book Award 2024.  This prestigious annual award acknowledges students who demonstrate outstanding academic accomplishments, dedication to community service, and exemplary leadership abilities.

Tam's remarkable achievements and contributions have earned her this distinguished honour, which serves as a testament to her intellectual brilliance, compassionate spirit, and remarkable potential.  Among a pool of highly competitive applicants, Tam's stellar performance and admirable character have set her apart, solidifying her position as a role model and inspiration to her peers.

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6 May 2024

Mediation Essay Writing Competition 2024 Merits Award

Yeung Yuet Yan (3A) emerged as the proud recipient of the Merits Award in the Mediation Essay Writing Competition 2024, jointly organised by the Department of Justice, the Education Bureau, Asia Conflict Resolution Institute Limited, and Rotary International District 3450.

At the prize-giving ceremony held on 6 May 2024, Yuet Yan was presented the award certificate by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam Ting-kwok (林定國), SC.

The theme of this year's competition is "Mediation: Fostering School-Family-Community Partnerships".  In her essay, Yuet Yan reflects on the meaning of being a mediator and highlights the significance and usefulness of mediation skills in resolving conflicts amicably.

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3 May 2024

S2 Visit to Au Law Organic Farm

On May 3, a group of 32 Secondary Two students visited the Au Law Organic Farm. The purpose of the trip was to provide experiential learning opportunities for the students to explore different crops and plants, as well as their growth processes. During the visit, they had the chance to taste herbal tea made from the farm's own herbs. The farm staff patiently taught them how to plow the soil and provided them with tools such as shovels and buckets. This was a completely new experience for the students, and they found it very memorable. The highlight of the visit was when each student had the opportunity to design their own small tote bag using sap collected from flowers and leaves found on the farm.

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1 May 2024

Visit of Shanghai Secondary Schools

On May 1, we had the pleasure of hosting a visit from four Shanghai secondary schools.  This marked a historic occasion, as it was the first time Ying Wa had the privilege of welcoming students from the mainland to our campus.  The schools in attendance were Yangpu Senior High School, High School Affiliated to University for Science and Technology, Shanghai Anshan Experimental Junior High School, and Shanghai Kunming School  (上海市楊浦高級中學 / 上海理工大學附屬中學 / 上海市鞍山實驗中學 / 上海市昆明學校).  Over 80 students, teachers and principals from Shanghai participated in the visit.

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24 April 2024

Asia-Pacific Interschool English Speech Competition

Yeung Sum Yin Ingrid (2E) achieved remarkable success in the 2024 Asia-Pacific Interschool English Speech Competition, hosted by the Asia-Pacific Children and Youth Talent Association.  Ingrid's exceptional performance earned her the esteemed Gold Award and the prestigious title of Overall Champion.  The organizer commended her for demonstrating an exceptional command of skills and an impressive ability to articulate complex ideas with clarity and poise.

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