31 July 2024

Basketball Team Tour to Fukuoka

From July 25 to 31, a group of 22 Basketball Team members from S1 to S6 embarked on a tour to Fukuoka, Japan.  This tour aimed to improve their basketball skills and broaden their horizons as players.  During their visit, the team engaged in friendly matches with local Japanese secondary school basketball players.  These matches provided valuable opportunities for skill enhancement and cultural exchange, allowing students to learn new techniques and strategies while forging international friendships on the court.  The experience not only enriched their athletic abilities but also fostered a deeper appreciation for the game of basketball.

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31 July 2024

Service Trip to Uganda

Last summer, ten S3-S5 students embarked on a transformative 14-day service tour in Uganda, East Africa, organized by the Interact Club and Watoto Asia.  This enriching experience not only broadened their global perspectives but also deepened their empathy and nurtured a lasting spirit of service.  Each moment spent in Uganda left an indelible mark on their hearts, inspiring them to make a positive impact in the world.

During the tour, the students visited slums, where they had the opportunity to meet and support families in need.  They also visited a childcare centre, Watoto Neighbourhood Centre, and a primary and secondary school, organized engaging and educational activities for the students.

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28 July 2024

Music Awards in TICC (Album 2)

The YW Choir achieved a triumphant victory at the 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition (TICC) in late July, emerging as Champion and receiving the Gold Award in the "School Choir - 18 Years Old and Below" category.

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28 July 2024

Music Awards in TICC (Album 1)

The YW Choir achieved a triumphant victory at the 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition (TICC) in late July, emerging as Champion and receiving the Gold Award in the "School Choir - 18 Years Old and Below" category.

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22 July 2024

全國青少年信息學奧林匹克競賽 2024

黃子晴同學(六丁班)於二零二三年十二月參加香港電腦奧林匹克競賽決賽,獲得高級組金獎。黃同學獲邀接受訓練,並以優異表現被選為香港代表 (唯一女子代表),於二零二四年七月十六日至二十二日參加在重慶市舉行的第四十一屆全國青少年信息學奧林匹克競賽(NOI 2024)。本屆參賽者來自港澳兩地及全國三十二個省市自治區,各選手須於指定時間內編寫程式及解決難題,難度極高。是次活動機會難得,黃同學及同行的青少年代表可以與全國選手互相切磋,獲益良多。

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22 July 2024

STEM Study Tour to Singapore

Organized by the STEM Department, twenty students from S1 to S4 embarked on a visit to Singapore from July 18 to 22, focusing on the themes of AI and Smart City.  The students participated in a one-day course on Generative AI, where they utilized AI tools to present topics related to smart cities.  Additionally, they had the opportunity to visit a museum that showcased Singapore's urban planning and sustainable development initiatives.  At the Science Centre, they delved into the science of flight, explored aircraft design, and engaged in flight simulations.  Alongside the educational programmes, the students also had the chance to explore the vibrant sights of Singapore and engage in sightseeing activities.

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20 July 2024

46th Enrolment Ceremony of the Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Unit 11

The 46th Enrolment Ceremony of the Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Unit 11 took place on July 20 at Silcocks Hall.  The ceremony commenced with welcoming remarks by Mr Francis Kwan, the Principal and Patron of our youth unit.  Mr Tommy Ng, the Reserved Leader of the Hong Kong Island Division of the Red Cross Youth Development Service, was invited as our Guest of Honour, demonstrating his unwavering commitment as well as his team to providing valuable learning opportunities for our students and nurturing future leaders in service and humanities.  This ceremony not only celebrated our new members but also reinforced the spirit of community service and collaboration that lies at the heart of the Red Cross mission.

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20 July 2024

Girl-Powered Generative A.I. Fest 2023-2024

Two S2C students, Tsang Hin Ching and Sun Yiyang, participated in the Generative AI competition specifically designed for girls, and received the Merit Award.  The competition centred around the theme of "AI-Powered Sustainability: Fostering Health and Happiness."  Participants were required to prepare a proposal and create a 30 to 60 second video addressing the theme.

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