11 November 2016

City University Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2016

Twelve students spent their Saturday getting a taste of university life, and of English debating recently. Organized annually by the Education Post Team at SCMP and hosted by the City University of Hong Kong, the programme offered 220 S4 and S5 students a campus tour, innovative demonstrations by selected faculties, a valuable debating workshop by Mr Stan Dyer, Coordinator of the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition, and an inside look at creative marketing strategies by Mr Hillman Lam, GM of Ctrip.com. After a lavish lunch buffet, twenty teams faced off in a debating competition before the prize presentation ceremony.

Our pioneer team of Lo Long Ching (4B), Lo Wing Sum Amy (4E) and Yip Pui Lam (5D) impressed the adjudicator of their match with their case opposing the motion "Hong Kong should reduce the number of mega infrastructure projects it has at one time to increase spending on its needy". Congratulations and thank you, everyone!