27 November 2020

Sponsored Walk and Thanksgiving Service 2020

The Thanksgiving Service and the Sponsored Walk were conducted successfully in the last week of November.  We would especially like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Pastor Lee Lok Man of Baptist Church of Caine Road (堅道浸信會李諾雯傳道) to share the theme on “See Him in Times of Adversities” (「逆」能看見祢).  Although we may face uncertainties, we will definitely be able to find the path with light and life under the guidance of our Lord.  

The Sponsored Walk, one of the highlights of the Thanksgiving Week, took place right after the Thanksgiving Service.  In order to strike a balance between preserving our noble tradition and maintaining social distancing, it was held inside our Robinson Road campus.  Thanks to the support of the Student Association, the Extra-curricular Activities Committee, staff, students and many others, we all managed to finish our annual walk smoothly.  We are committed to upholding this tradition of “to serve but not to be served” by raising funds and sharing our love with the needy.
