7 August 2020

Art-in-library Project (Phases I to III)

Our girls and staff members took part in a school library decoration activity called the “Art-in-library Project” in which they inscribed their favourite book titles or quotations on bamboo bricks.
With the assistance of visual art teachers and the guidance of two renowned local sculptors, Ms Man Fung Yi (an alumna) and Mr Mok Yat San, this project underwent three phases starting from May 2019 and was finally completed in August 2020.  Not only did students pick up skills in bamboo design and grinding, but they also had the chance to share their love of reading. 
A total of 1,016 pieces of bamboo bricks with names of books or quotations from favourite books were created using unique design.  These bamboo bricks were made of environmentally friendly materials and were installed on the four pillars of the school library.
