5 August 2022

End-of-term Service 2022

The End-of-term Service on August 5 signified the end of the school term 2021-2022.  Our principal, Mr Francis Kwan, delivered an invigorating speech, summing up students’ achievements in the areas of academics, extra-curricular activities and students’ development.  Both teachers and students were given a chance to reflect on this year’s experiences while getting ready for an exciting new school year.  Mr Kwan further showed his gratitude and appreciation towards teachers who are bidding farewell to Ying Wa.  He wished them all the best while embarking on a new chapter of their lives. 

In addition, on behalf of the S6 graduates, Rudaba Rubaiyath (6D) and Ho Charlotte Kristen (6C) delivered their valedictorian speeches in the junior and senior sessions of the End-of-term Service respectively.  Not only did they celebrate the accomplishment of their academic achievements, but they also reminded us the values of care, courage, bonding with others and contributing to society.
