15 March 2023

Sharing by Ms Lo Hiu Shun

The Citizenship & Social Development (CSD) Department was very fortunate to have invited alumna Ms Lo Hiu Shun (羅曉淳, Graduate of 2017) to share with classes 5A and 5E on March 15, 2023.  Hiu Shun shared her interesting encounters in primary school in Hong Kong upon her arrival from Chaozhou (潮州).  Not being able to master Cantonese at that time, she gave us a good laugh by recalling how her misinterpretation and misunderstanding of Cantonese landed her in bewilderment and even in “trouble” with the teacher.  She then proceeded in teaching the girls a few phrases in the Chaozhou dialect and shared various unique customs such as the tea culture, the food culture and religious practices.  The girls were delighted to be treated to some Chaozhou peanut-made snacks as a wrap-up of the sharing.      
