28 July 2024

Music Awards in TICC (Album 2)

The YW Choir achieved a triumphant victory at the 6th Tokyo International Choir Competition (TICC) in late July, emerging as Champion and receiving the Gold Award in the "School Choir - 18 Years Old and Below" category.  Under the guidance of the Music Department, the choir astounded the audiences with their exceptional performances, presenting a diverse repertoire including "Ame Ame" by Masahiro Yamauchi, "The Sun Has Risen" by Tian Feng, and "Magos a rutafa" by Lajos Bárdos.  During their time in Tokyo, the choir members also actively participated in cultural exchanges with a local girls' school, performed at a church, and attended a captivating performance by the Tokyo Ballet Company.  This accomplishment magnified the choir's talent and unyielding dedication to achieving musical excellence.

Album 1

Link from Singtao Headline (Click)

Photos taken from Singtao Headline and other sources 
