Smart Concrete invented by alumna
Enjoy a short science film on Smart Concrete, which is a material that Dr Deborah Chung invented several years ago. The film was produced by NBC and U.S. National Science Foundation and was released on Feb. 11, 2013. Dr Chung is now an NSF-funded scientist at the State University of New York at Buffalo with an expertise in composite materials and structural science.

PTA Newsletter
Download the latest issue of PTA newsletter issued in January 2013.

本校家長教師會會及香港家福會於2013年1月26日舉行親子旅行「冬日親子樂悠遊」。活動的內容以欣賞大自然為主題,結合多元化的教育元素。 豐富的節目包括乘搭可遠眺360度景緻的昂坪纜車、參觀纜車廠的精密運作情況、參觀香港最美觀的廢水處理廠、暢遊大澳水鄉及品嚐地道小食或購物,午膳於昂坪市集,並以加深親子感情的集體遊戲為活動總結。

Computer Competition - HKOI 2013
4 students are awarded bronze medal, 2 students in Senior Group and 2 studnets in Junior Group of the Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics (HKOI) 2013.
Senior Group Bronze Medal
6B Law Ka Yan / 6B Wong Nga Yee
Junior Group Bronze Medal
4A Sung Sum Yi / 4B Lee Ka Shun Katherine
Debate Champion
Our English Debate Team won the champion in the term one Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition. Nicole Cheung (4D) was named best speaker.
Click here to view more from SCMP

Guide Dogs
The Hong Kong Seeing Eye Dog Service (香港導盲犬服務中心) introduced to our students two guide dogs trained in the USA on 14 Jan 2013. The programme was organised by the interest club 'Friends of Nature'.