14 September 2016

SA and Inter-house Elections

It is the noble tradition of Ying Wa to provide a platform for students to develop their potential to serve the school and become student leaders. This year a group of 19 enthusiastic students formed a cabinet called "Orenda" and came up with an election slogan "Unearth Your Potential". With their passion to serve their schoolmates, they encourage their peers to step out of the comfort zone and be more actively involved in the community.

An independent team of the Hogben House, "Plumeria", joined the Inter-house election campaign with the proposed cabinet, Nota. Elections were held on 14 September and a united cabinet of the Inter-house Committee emerged.

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9 September 2016

Interview by Metro Radio – Yip Pui Lam

Recently Yip Pui Lam (5D) was invited to share her experiences in a radio broadcast programme at the Metro Radio, together with another student representative and two distinguished guests after they returned from an environmental studies tour to Osaka.

This tour was organized by the Central and Western District Council (CWDC) for secondary school students to deepen their understanding of the waste treatment facilities and policies in both Hong Kong and Osaka. After rounds of interview, Yip Pui Lam, Ho Jo Kan (5C) and Lam Charlotte (4E) were offered the opportunity to participate in the tour.

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2 September 2016

Inauguration of Prefects 2016

The inauguration ceremony for the 73 students elected as prefects for the school year 2016-2017 took place during the OLE lessons on 2 September 2016. In their inauguration speech, the two Head Prefects pledged on behalf of the Prefect Board to serve the school wholeheartedly. The newly-inaugurated prefects are responsible for maintaining discipline among the students to ensure there is a conducive atmosphere for learning.

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2 September 2016

馬燕茹亞錦賽奪佳績 攝製隊赴日採訪支持

二零一六年一月,馬燕茹同學(五乙班)參加在日本舉行的「亞洲單車錦標賽」。參賽者包括日本、哈薩克、韓國、台灣等地區的勁旅,賽事緊張刺激。張婉婷校友率領DVD製作團隊赴日拍攝,零距離採訪精彩片段,見證成功背後的重要時刻。採訪期間,香港單車總會的幹事得悉攝製隊是唯一來自香港的團隊,即時全力協調,更批准進入傳媒區拍攝,方便攝製隊捕捉燕茹及其隊友參賽的珍貴鏡頭。 在場地賽項目,教練落力支持:每圈衝線,都在賽道為燕茹報分、打氣、提示,場面令人鼓舞。燕茹亦不負眾望,在個人賽奪得兩面銀牌,團體賽奪得一面銅牌,表現出色,令人刮目相看。


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1 September 2016

Opening Ceremony 2016

1st September brought fresh young faces back to school after the summer break. The principal and vice principals extended a warm welcome to the students back into the fold of the Ying Wa family as the rain poured outside. Mr Kwan used the Rio Olympics to inculcate in the students sound values for sports and for life, like fair play, resilience and the courage to dream. Mr Cho reported on the HKDSE results and motivated students to work hard while Ms Chow introduced two new ECAs to enrich their school lives.
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29 August 2016

中國女排訪港 排球隊隊員大開眼界



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22 August 2016

La Salle – Pui Ching Programming Challenge

Here is another achievement by our computer programming team! Poon Wing Sze (5C), Chan Wai Chi (4C) and Wong Yuen Lam (4A) won the bronze medal in the first La Salle – Pui Ching Programming Challenge held on 22 August. Teams had to complete as many challenging questions as possible within four hours and we were placed fifth among all participating schools.

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5 August 2016



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