30 January 2016

Inter-school Basketball Competition

The Inter-school Basketball Competition Final (Division 1, B Grade) took place on the 30th January 2016. With the tremendous support of the teachers, parents, alumnae and schoolmates, our B grade school team emerged as the Champion after a tough and thrilling game with St. Stephen's Girls' College. Congratulations!
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27 December 2015


2015年12月27至29日,排球隊在全港學界精英排球賽首兩場打敗對手,晉身八強。 排球隊在兩場比賽均以二比零勝出。八強戰中,排球隊面對強敵-上年度亞軍-賽馬會體藝中學,雙方各不讓步,比賽激烈。英華雖未能晉身四強,但球員士氣高昂,多次追成平手,精神可嘉。
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19 December 2015

Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics 2015/16

Congratulations! Our senior and junior team results made us the top performing girls' school in Hong Kong and put us among the top five participating schools in the competition.On 19 December Wan Ha Lui (6E), Wai Yau Chik (6A), Choi Wai Yan (6C) and Poon Wing Sze (5C) were awarded silver medals in the senior group while Tzu Yin Ching (6B) and Loo Tak Yu (5B) won bronze in the senior and junior groups respectively. Well done, everyone!
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10 December 2015

HKSSDC District Final (Term 1)

Our senior team of Kailee Poon 5E, Vienna Lee 5A, Jessica Chan 5B and Ashlynn Ong 5A became the champions in the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition by opposing the motion 'ASEAN should sanction its member nations for environmental disasters that have international effects'. Congratulations!
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10 December 2015

Inter-school Basketball Competition

The Inter-school Basketball Competition Final (Division 1) took place on the 5thDecember 2015. Southorn Stadium was the stage for a riveting play between Hon Wah College and our A grade school team who impressed everyone with their sheer grit and dazzling moves. To the tremendous applause of the Principal, Vice-principals, teachers, parents, alumnae and schoolmates, our team emerged as First Runner-up in an intense finish. Congratulations!
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3 December 2015

English Choral Verse Champions

Heartiest congratulations to S3D and Ms Mainey! They were awarded the first place at the 67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival on 3 December 2015 with their lively rendition of Ogden Nash's "Adventures of Isabel". This is an excellent debut effort indeed. After months of practice, thirty-three voices spoke as one and let their confidence shine through.
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26 November 2015


本校粵語朗誦隊(中二甲班)及普通話朗誦隊(中一乙班) 分別參與了學校朗誦節粵語(11月18日)及普通話集誦比賽(11月26日)。經過兩個多月練習,學生們在比賽中以傑出的表現,奪得佳績(粵語朗誦隊: 季軍; 普通話朗誦隊: 亞軍),師生同感欣喜。
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15 November 2015


五乙班馬燕茹於2015年全國公路自行車少年錦標賽個人公路大組賽 (女子甲組)奪得季軍及個人公路計時賽 (女子甲組)奪得冠軍。三乙班趙蕙芸在同一錦標賽於個人公路大組賽 (女子乙組)奪得冠軍及個人公路計時賽 (女子乙組)奪得第五名。
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