1 December 2016

Equal Opportunities Multimedia Competition

Ng Tsz Yin (3E) was the champion in the category of poster design, with her work titled "Next Station: Equality" (view poster). Congratulations! The competition was held as part of the Equal Opportunities Commission's initiative to raise greater awareness of anti-discrimination laws in Hong Kong. The theme of this EOC competition was "Past and Future: Advancing Equal Opportunities in Hong Kong" (Link) and its aims were to promote equality and eliminate discrimination on different grounds.
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26 November 2016

Inter-school Basketball Competition 2016

Kudos to our Basketball Team and all coaches! Once again our A grade players did the school proud with their amazing performance in the Inter-school Basketball Competition (Final, Division 1 Grade A) on 26th November 2016 at Southorn Centre. With the unfailing support of the Principal, Vice-principals, teachers, students, alumnae and parents, our school team battled on for four sessions against Hon Wah College and emerged as the First Runner-up. The tireless spirit and deft moves of our basketball players impressed the spectators who cheered for every player throughout the game.
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11 November 2016

City University Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2016

Twelve students spent their Saturday getting a taste of university life, and of English debating recently. Organized annually by the Education Post Team at SCMP and hosted by the City University of Hong Kong, the programme offered 220 S4 and S5 students a campus tour, innovative demonstrations by selected faculties, a valuable debating workshop by Mr Stan Dyer, Coordinator of the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition, and an inside look at creative marketing strategies by Mr Hillman Lam, GM of After a lavish lunch buffet, twenty teams faced off in a debating competition...
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13 October 2016

Inter-school Swimming Competition 2016-2017

The Inter-school Swimming Competition 2016-2017, Division Two, heat and final rounds were held on 13th and 20th October respectively at Victoria Park Swimming Pool. Our Swimming Team performed outstandingly well, coming first in A Grade and second in C Grade. Thanks to the hard work of our swimmers and coach, Ying Wa Girls' School was the overall first runner-up in this year's competition, and qualified for Division 1 in the upcoming academic year. Congratulations to the Swimming Team!
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3 October 2016

Lee Hysan Scholarship 2017

Congratulations to Kwok Hoi Yan, Ada (2A), who was awarded the prestigious Lee Hysan Foundation (LHF) Scholarship in October 2016! With the generous sponsorship, she has enrolled as a boarder at the renowned English boarding school, Rugby, and will take up her studies in grades 9-13 from September 2017. On December 21, Ada met up with alumnae, Chui Cheuk Lam, Winnie, and other LHF scholars who shared experiences of their boarding school life with her.  Winnie, a recipient of last year's award, is attending Geelong Grammar School in Australia. Both students look forward to...
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28 September 2016

太平洋場地少年賽 趙蕙芸獲多個獎項

2016年9月26至28日,四甲班趙蕙芸同學在澳洲珀斯參加太平洋場地少年賽,表現出色,以優異成績奪得多個獎項,成績驕人。 個人賽方面,趙蕙芸於女子2公里個人追逐賽及女子15公里計分賽分別奪得金牌及銅牌。團體賽方面,趙蕙芸及其他三位香港女子青年單車代表 (吳思穎、李思穎、楊礎搖) 於女子甲組2公里團體追逐賽資格賽,以2分38秒獲首名進入決賽,其後在冠軍戰再以2分37秒佳績擊敗澳洲Midland隊,奪得金牌。
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9 September 2016

Interview by Metro Radio – Yip Pui Lam

Recently Yip Pui Lam (5D) was invited to share her experiences in a radio broadcast programme at the Metro Radio, together with another student representative and two distinguished guests after they returned from an environmental studies tour to Osaka. This tour was organized by the Central and Western District Council (CWDC) for secondary school students to deepen their understanding of the waste treatment facilities and policies in both Hong Kong and Osaka. After rounds of interview, Yip Pui Lam, Ho Jo Kan (5C) and Lam Charlotte (4E) were offered the opportunity to participate in the tour.
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2 September 2016

馬燕茹亞錦賽奪佳績 攝製隊赴日採訪支持

二零一六年一月,馬燕茹同學(五乙班)參加在日本舉行的「亞洲單車錦標賽」。參賽者包括日本、哈薩克、韓國、台灣等地區的勁旅,賽事緊張刺激。張婉婷校友率領DVD製作團隊赴日拍攝,零距離採訪精彩片段,見證成功背後的重要時刻。採訪期間,香港單車總會的幹事得悉攝製隊是唯一來自香港的團隊,即時全力協調,更批准進入傳媒區拍攝,方便攝製隊捕捉燕茹及其隊友參賽的珍貴鏡頭。 在場地賽項目,教練落力支持:每圈衝線,都在賽道為燕茹報分、打氣、提示,場面令人鼓舞。燕茹亦不負眾望,在個人賽奪得兩面銀牌,團體賽奪得一面銅牌,表現出色,令人刮目相看。影片
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