20 January 2017

Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics 2016/17

Ying Wa is again the top performing girls' school in Hong Kong with 5 students winning medals in the Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics 2016/17. Poon Wing Sze (6C) was awarded a silver medal in Senior Group for the second consecutive year.  Wong Yuen Lam (5A) and Chan Wai Chi (5C) brought home bronze medals in the Senior Group while Lee Ching Laam (4A) and Ng Sin Ting (4C) won the same in the Junior Group. For their outstanding results, they have been invited to join the Hong Kong Olympiad in Informatics Training Team and a Team Formation Test will be held in May to select delegates for...
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31 December 2016

精英賽奪得季軍 排球隊努力獲肯定

排球隊於2016年12月28至31日參加本年度學界精英排球比賽,首兩場均以局數二比零取勝,順利晉身四強。在半準決賽,排球隊雖未能取勝,但面對強勁對手 ─ 上屆亞軍賽馬會體藝中學,仍然鬥志高昂,積極進攻、防守,表現保持水準。賽事結束,英華女排取得季軍,成績令人鼓舞,隊員有信心在下屆比賽爭取更佳表現。 特別鳴謝: 李炳基先生為英華女排攝影
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11 December 2016

Inter-school Volleyball Competition (Grade A)

The Volleyball Teams of Ying Wa Girls' School and Shun Tak Fraternal Association Cheng Yu Tung Secondary School entered the final round of Inter-school Volleyball Competition (Grade A).  The competition was held on 11th December 2016 at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park Sports Centre.  The tournament was a brilliant one, with both teams giving a truly memorable and outstanding performance.  Our Volleyball Team finally emerged as the first runner-up.  Congratulations!
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1 December 2016

Hong Kong Speech Festival 2016

Our students again did Ying Wa proud this year with their praiseworthy performance at the annual Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival.  After months of hard work, the Chinese Choral Speaking team, S2B, came second while the English team, S3E, and the Putonghua one, S2E, both came third.  Students had fun picking up important tips on articulation and team work in the process.
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1 December 2016

Equal Opportunities Multimedia Competition

Ng Tsz Yin (3E) was the champion in the category of poster design, with her work titled "Next Station: Equality" (view poster). Congratulations! The competition was held as part of the Equal Opportunities Commission's initiative to raise greater awareness of anti-discrimination laws in Hong Kong. The theme of this EOC competition was "Past and Future: Advancing Equal Opportunities in Hong Kong" (Link) and its aims were to promote equality and eliminate discrimination on different grounds.
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26 November 2016

Inter-school Basketball Competition 2016

Kudos to our Basketball Team and all coaches! Once again our A grade players did the school proud with their amazing performance in the Inter-school Basketball Competition (Final, Division 1 Grade A) on 26th November 2016 at Southorn Centre. With the unfailing support of the Principal, Vice-principals, teachers, students, alumnae and parents, our school team battled on for four sessions against Hon Wah College and emerged as the First Runner-up. The tireless spirit and deft moves of our basketball players impressed the spectators who cheered for every player throughout the game.
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11 November 2016

City University Discovery and Innovation Debating Challenge 2016

Twelve students spent their Saturday getting a taste of university life, and of English debating recently. Organized annually by the Education Post Team at SCMP and hosted by the City University of Hong Kong, the programme offered 220 S4 and S5 students a campus tour, innovative demonstrations by selected faculties, a valuable debating workshop by Mr Stan Dyer, Coordinator of the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition, and an inside look at creative marketing strategies by Mr Hillman Lam, GM of After a lavish lunch buffet, twenty teams faced off in a debating competition...
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13 October 2016

Inter-school Swimming Competition 2016-2017

The Inter-school Swimming Competition 2016-2017, Division Two, heat and final rounds were held on 13th and 20th October respectively at Victoria Park Swimming Pool. Our Swimming Team performed outstandingly well, coming first in A Grade and second in C Grade. Thanks to the hard work of our swimmers and coach, Ying Wa Girls' School was the overall first runner-up in this year's competition, and qualified for Division 1 in the upcoming academic year. Congratulations to the Swimming Team!
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