10 December 2015
Inter-school Basketball Competition
The Inter-school Basketball Competition Final (Division 1) took place on the 5thDecember 2015. Southorn Stadium was the stage for a riveting play between Hon Wah College and our A grade school team who impressed everyone with their sheer grit and dazzling moves. To the tremendous applause of the Principal, Vice-principals, teachers, parents, alumnae and schoolmates, our team emerged as First Runner-up in an intense finish. Congratulations!
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3 December 2015
English Choral Verse Champions
Heartiest congratulations to S3D and Ms Mainey! They were awarded the first place at the 67th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival on 3 December 2015 with their lively rendition of Ogden Nash's "Adventures of Isabel". This is an excellent debut effort indeed. After months of practice, thirty-three voices spoke as one and let their confidence shine through.
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26 November 2015
本校粵語朗誦隊(中二甲班)及普通話朗誦隊(中一乙班) 分別參與了學校朗誦節粵語(11月18日)及普通話集誦比賽(11月26日)。經過兩個多月練習,學生們在比賽中以傑出的表現,奪得佳績(粵語朗誦隊: 季軍; 普通話朗誦隊: 亞軍),師生同感欣喜。
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15 November 2015
五乙班馬燕茹於2015年全國公路自行車少年錦標賽個人公路大組賽 (女子甲組)奪得季軍及個人公路計時賽 (女子甲組)奪得冠軍。三乙班趙蕙芸在同一錦標賽於個人公路大組賽 (女子乙組)奪得冠軍及個人公路計時賽 (女子乙組)奪得第五名。
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11 November 2015
Our Esther Yewpick Lee Millennium Scholar
Congratulations to our alumna, Ma Ming Yan! We are thrilled to hear that Carissa has won the 2015 scholarship. A graduate of our Toastmasters Leadership Programme, former debater on our school team and performer in our 110th anniversary musical, "Alice", she was in the pioneer cohort that took the HKDSE, before going on to complete a B.A. degree at CUHK. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
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10 November 2015
Lee Hysan Foundation Scholarship 2016
Chui Cheuk Lam (2E) won the 5-year Lee Hysan Scholarship in late October 2015. This will fund her studies at the prestigious Geelong Grammar School in Victoria, Australia, through Year 8 to 12. Apart from covering all expenses on education, boarding and transport (4 return flights to HK per year), this dream scholarship will offer Cheuk Lam guardian care during school breaks and countless other opportunities for exposure. In Year 9, she will gain the unique experience of staying at the Timbertop Campus of Geelong, where physical challenges and outdoor activities will toughen her spirit and...
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21 September 2015
馬詠茹校友 - 首屆多元卓越獎學金得主
民政事務局於於2014年設立多元卓越獎學金(下稱「獎學金」)以鼓勵多元卓越文化。「獎學金」將資助大學和專上院校由2015/16學年起,每年錄取約20名在體育、藝術及/或社會服務等方面有卓越表現的本地學生,修讀學士學位課程。校友馬詠茹小姐(2015年中六畢業) 奪得首屆多元卓越獎學金。詠茹是滾軸溜冰及單車的港隊代表,去年全港公路單車賽獲全場總冠軍。詠茹得到獎學金後,獲推薦入讀中大酒店及旅遊管理學。
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1 September 2015
Mrs Ruth Lee – The Award of JP
Congratulations to Mrs Ruth Lee, JP Mrs Ruth Lee Shek Yuk Yu (李石玉如女士) , 7th principal of YWGS, was awarded as Justice of the Peace (JP) by the HKSAR with effect from 1 September 2015 in recognition of her outstanding service to the society. The news was released in the press.
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