22 April 2016
Inter-school Basketball Competition
Our Basketball team fought off an intense challenge from South Island School in the Inter-school Basketball Competition (Division 1, HK Island) on 22nd April 2016. Our C Grade team amazed the spectators with their unyielding spirit and solidarity to finally emerge as the Champion. On top of that, our Basketball team was crowned the overall Champion in the tournament. Congratulations to all players for the impressive performance!
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10 March 2016
2016年3月6日,排球隊在港九校際中學排球賽(第一組)乙組賽事冠軍爭奪戰打敗強敵 — 拔萃女書院,成為本年度學界乙組賽事冠軍。當日隊員鬥志高昂,發球強勁,戰術靈活多變;對手則防守嚴密,沉著應戰。雙方爭持不下,戰況激烈。最後隊員主動強攻,取得優勢,更連勝兩局奪得冠軍,為校爭光。
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10 March 2016
Award of Junior Choir
Under the baton of Miss Selina Li, our Junior Choir was awarded the first runner-up in the Church Music Group (Foreign Language) in the 68th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Most choir members are Secondary One students, who have trained rigorously since September. Not only did the participants love singing, but they also enjoyed the camaraderie of being part of the choir. It is a memorable music experience for everyone.
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10 March 2016
Canadian Computing Competition 2016
Congratulations once again to our students who have done us proud with their performance on 25th February 2016. YWGS is again the top performing girls’ school in Hong Kong.At the awards ceremony at the University of Hong Kong on 10th March 2016, Poon Wing Sze (5C) won distinction for two years running, Wan Ha Lui (6E) was the first student to receive an award in the Senior Category, and all seven of our contestants took home Certificates of Merit.
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5 March 2016
2016省港澳青年排球埠際賽於3月5、6兩日完成各項賽事。 香港女子青年隊擊敗對手,奪得冠軍;亞軍及季軍分別為廣東女子青年隊及澳門女子青年隊;香港女子少年隊獲得殿軍。本校洪洋洋(五丁班)及易穎芯(四戊班)為香港女子青年隊隊員;林禧婷(四戊班)及陳靖潼(四甲班)為香港女子少年隊隊員。同學透過參與校外團隊豐富經驗、拓闊視野,且在比賽中以出色表現獲獎,實屬難得,值得嘉許。
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31 January 2016
五乙班馬燕茹同學在日本伊豆參加亞洲單車賽。 2016年1月19日,馬燕茹在女子青年組捕捉賽勇奪銀牌。2016年1月20日,馬燕茹在女子青年組個人計時賽 (全程11.2公里) 以17分26秒22再奪銀牌。2016年1月27日,馬燕茹跟其他三位香港女子青年單車代表在團體追逐賽取得佳績,成功為港隊摘得一面銅牌。
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30 January 2016
Inter-school Basketball Competition
The Inter-school Basketball Competition Final (Division 1, B Grade) took place on the 30th January 2016. With the tremendous support of the teachers, parents, alumnae and schoolmates, our B grade school team emerged as the Champion after a tough and thrilling game with St. Stephen's Girls' College. Congratulations!
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27 December 2015
2015年12月27至29日,排球隊在全港學界精英排球賽首兩場打敗對手,晉身八強。 排球隊在兩場比賽均以二比零勝出。八強戰中,排球隊面對強敵-上年度亞軍-賽馬會體藝中學,雙方各不讓步,比賽激烈。英華雖未能晉身四強,但球員士氣高昂,多次追成平手,精神可嘉。
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