31 May 2024

Harvard Book Prize 2024

Three of our S5 students, Gratia Chu (5B), Tang Jun Cheng (5B), and Mak Wing (5D), received the Harvard Book Prize 2024.  This award is presented to exceptional secondary school students in Hong Kong who have demonstrated academic excellence, exemplary character, and a commitment to community service.
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27 May 2024


中華文化有琴棋書畫四藝,指的是文藝風雅之事。楊逸悠同學(中六甲班)臨池學書,多年醉心書法藝術,屢獲殊榮。最近,楊同學參加了「第一屆校訓思源書法比賽」,該活動以宏揚中國書法,體現校訓精神為宗旨。楊同學作品獲得評判李潤桓教授 (中文大學前藝術系主任) 評為一等獎,並由主辦機構裝裱,送贈於學校,作品現掛於本校中文室內展示。此外,曾顯程同學(中二丙班)亦酷愛硬筆書法,作品工整秀麗,仙露明珠,更於不同比賽中獲得殊榮。兩位同學透過書法陶冶性情及建立品德,弘揚中華文化。
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27 May 2024

籃球隊獲獎 - 港島區學界全場總冠軍

英華籃球隊(丙組)於港島區學界比賽獲得冠軍。同時,英華籃球隊贏得本年度(2023-2024)全場總冠軍。香港學界體育聯會 2023-2024年度頒獎典禮於5月27日在英華女學校禮堂舉行。我們為英華籃球隊的出色表現而感到由衷欣喜。
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19 May 2024


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12 May 2024

First-runner Up of Lacrosse Competition

Our Lacrosse Team achieved an impressive accomplishment, securing the first-runner up position in the All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary Schools Lacrosse Competition 2023-2024.  The competition took place at the Jockey Club HKFA Football Training Center on May 12.  We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the dedicated team members, as well as the coach and PE teacher who played vital roles in this outstanding achievement.
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8 May 2024

Princeton Club HK Book Award 2024

Tam Hoi Yan (5E) was honoured with the Princeton Club of Hong Kong Book Award 2024.  This prestigious annual award acknowledges students who demonstrate outstanding academic accomplishments, dedication to community service, and exemplary leadership abilities. Tam's remarkable achievements and contributions have earned her this distinguished honour, which serves as a testament to her intellectual brilliance, compassionate spirit, and remarkable potential.  Among a pool of highly competitive applicants, Tam's stellar performance and admirable character have set her apart, solidifying...
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6 May 2024

Mediation Essay Writing Competition 2024 Merits Award

Yeung Yuet Yan (3A) emerged as the proud recipient of the Merits Award in the Mediation Essay Writing Competition 2024, jointly organised by the Department of Justice, the Education Bureau, Asia Conflict Resolution Institute Limited, and Rotary International District 3450. At the prize-giving ceremony held on 6 May 2024, Yuet Yan was presented the award certificate by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam Ting-kwok (林定國), SC. The theme of this year's competition is "Mediation: Fostering School-Family-Community Partnerships".  In her essay, Yuet Yan reflects on the meaning of being...
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24 April 2024

Asia-Pacific Interschool English Speech Competition

Yeung Sum Yin Ingrid (2E) achieved remarkable success in the 2024 Asia-Pacific Interschool English Speech Competition, hosted by the Asia-Pacific Children and Youth Talent Association.  Ingrid's exceptional performance earned her the esteemed Gold Award and the prestigious title of Overall Champion.  The organizer commended her for demonstrating an exceptional command of skills and an impressive ability to articulate complex ideas with clarity and poise.
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