5 May 2023

Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2022/23)

Tse J Celeste and Yeung Wing Yi, both graduates of class 2022, received the Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2022/23) offered by the HKSAR for their outstanding academic achievements and commitment to becoming English teachers upon graduation.  They are currently pursuing a degree in English/English Education in local universities.  Recipients of the scholarship will receive an amount of HKD 50,000 for 5 years.
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1 May 2023

Champion in the CCC Volleyball Cup 2022-2023

YW Volleyball Team won the championship in the CCC Inter-school (Secondary) Volleyball Cup 2022-2023 (中華基督教會香港區會中學校際排球錦標賽2022-2023), with a total of 18 schools participating in the competition.  Our team demonstrated exceptional performance and achieved the highest honour as champion in the female section.  This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our Volleyball Team members, as well as the guidance and support provided by their trainers and teachers.  We wish them continued success in their future competitions.
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22 April 2023

Awards of Inter-School Badminton Competition 2022-2023

The Badminton Team of YW won several awards in the Inter-school Badminton Competition (Hong Kong Island - Division Two).  The Grade B team achieved the Champion title, and the Grade A and C teams secured the fourth place.  The trainers, teachers, and team members worked hard and showed dedication, which led to their success.  We encourage them to continue striving for excellence in both academics and sports and wish them continued success in future competitions.
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16 April 2023

Awards from the 35th Peace Poster Contest 2022-2023

We are proud to announce that He Xinying (1D) won the First Runner-up award in the 35th Peace Poster Contest 2022-2023.  Additionally, several other students received Merit Prizes for their exceptional entries. Themed “Lead with Compassion” this year, the contest was organized by the Lions Clubs International District 303, Hong Kong & Macao, China.  For over three decades, Lions Clubs have sponsored this special art contest in schools and youth groups worldwide.  The competition gave children the opportunity to express their visions of peace through art and creativity, inspiring the world...
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13 April 2023

First Runner-up of ZIHK Inter-school 3x3 Basketball Competition

4 representatives of our Grade A Basketball Team participated in the Zurich Insurance Hong Kong (ZIHK) Inter-school 3x3 Basketball Competition - The Game 2022-2023.  It takes sweat, determination, and hard work for the team to reach where they are.  With much pride, the team attained excellent results and won First Runner-up. 
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28 March 2023


英華女學校話劇組以參賽作品《深水情緣》參加2022-2023年度香港學校戲劇節,榮獲多個獎項,包括傑出合作獎和評判推介演出獎。三位校友胡喜童、吳家希、楊彥鈴 (2021年畢業) 獲得傑出劇本獎;陳穎欣(四戊班)獲得傑出導演獎;李焯妍(二甲班)、劉心弦 (二乙班)  、馮焯芝 (二乙班)  、簡梓晴(二丁班)、呂穎暄(三甲班) 及 蘇倬瑩 (三丙班)則分別獲得傑出演員獎;吳衍頤(二戊班)和蕭勉沂(三丁班)獲得傑出音響效果獎。每位同學在比賽中均能全力以赴,表現出色,充分體現了團隊合作精神,成果甚豐!
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26 March 2023


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19 March 2023

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2022-23

The 36th Awards Presentation Ceremony of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund took place on March 19 at Hong Kong City Hall.  We are proud to announce that two S6 YW girls, Wong Ying (6C) and Law Wai Chung Fiona (6D), received the prestigious Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes this year.  These prizes are awarded annually to senior secondary students with the goal of encouraging them to strive for academic excellence and develop leadership qualities.
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