14 June 2023

Awards of the Exhibition of Student Visual Arts Work 2022/23

The Visual Arts Department participated in the Exhibition of Student Visual Arts Work 2022/23, organized by the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau. The exhibition aims to display and acknowledge students’ accomplishments in visual arts.  The award presentation ceremony was held on June 14. We are proud to announce that our students were recognized for their exceptional talents and awarded two awards in the following categories: Exhibition of Student Visual Arts Work 2022/23 (Finalist) You Ziyu (2D) Yeung Tsoi Wing (4B) Yan Tsz Ching (6A) Senior Secondary Student Visual...
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2 June 2023

Harvard Book Prize 2023

Three of our S5 students, Cheung Tsz Yan (5A), Lau Hok Yau (5D), and Ching Wing Yin (5E) received the Harvard Book Prize 2023. This honor is awarded to exceptional secondary school students in Hong Kong who have demonstrated academic excellence, exemplary character, and a commitment to community service.
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30 May 2023

Hong Kong Student Association Award Scheme 2022/23

The Student Association (SA) was honored with the Outstanding Student Association Award and Award for Values Education by the esteemed “Hong Kong Student Association Award Scheme 2022/23” presented by Hok Yau Club.  Emerging as one of the four exceptional schools in Hong Kong to win the Outstanding Student Association Award, the SA was commended for their remarkable skills in youth leadership.  Moreover, the Award for Values Education recognized the effort devoted during the Thanksgiving Week to hold various activities in November 2022.
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29 May 2023

UNESCO Debating Competition 2022-2023

We extend our deepest appreciation to the English Department and their teachers for their commitment to academic excellence, which has led to the remarkable achievement of Chia Lok Yee (2B), Ko Cheuk Yan (2B), and Lau Sum In (2B) at the UNESCO Debating Competition 2022-2023.  The talented team completed three rounds of intense debates on motions related to children's well-being, education, art, and science before receiving the title of the First Runner-up.  We give special recognition to Ko Cheuk Yan, who was named Best Speaker in the grand final.  Their success is a...
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21 May 2023

Awards of the Central and Western District Road Safety Poster Design Competition 2022-2023

We are pleased to announce that 4 Ying Wa students were awarded a prize in the Central and Western District Road Safety Poster Design Competition 2022-2023.  This competition, organized by the Central and Western District Road Safety Campaign Committee, showcased the creative talents of the participants.  The award presentation ceremony took place on May 21, where the winners were recognized for their outstanding work. List of Awards Champion: Mak Hiu Yan (5E) First Runner-up: Hung Wing Kiu (5B) Second Runner-up: Tsang Chiu Wing Sheryl (3D) Meritorious Prize: You Ziyu (2D)
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20 May 2023

HKICPA Accounting and Business Case Competition 2022-23

Over 516 teams with 1,800 students from 125 schools participated in the HKICPA Accounting and Business Case Competition 2022-23.  Our teams submitted written business reports, analyzing company financial performance, industry competitiveness, and sustainability approaches.  Their impressive oral presentation earned them the titles of First Runner-up and Best Business Report awards.  These achievements indeed showcased their hard work, dedication, and commitment to academic excellence. List of Awards First Runner-up and Best Business Report:  Xu Lok Yi (5C),  Lau Nga Kiu  (5C),  Yim Sie Lam  (...
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9 May 2023

The First Hong Kong Secondary School Geological Exploration Competition

Co-organized by the Hong Kong Discovery and Hong Kong Geographical Association, three S2 students, Chia Lok Yee (2B), Lau Sum In (2B) and So Yan Kay (2D), teamed up to participate in the First Hong Kong Secondary School Geological Exploration Competition (第一屆全港中學地質大搜查).  With much passion and persistence, the team attended talks, joined field trips and engaged in different rounds of competitions.  Together with the Geography Department’s guidance and professional advice, the team was finally awarded the Gold Prize.  Photo source:  Hong Kong Discovery and Hong Kong...
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9 May 2023


「港島區D1校際籃球比賽」女子丙組(C Grade)總決賽於5月9日(星期六)舉行。籃球隊上下一心,表現出色,並成功奪冠,為觀眾及支持者帶來了高水平的比賽。 至此,英華籃球隊已包攬甲組、乙組及丙組三項比賽冠軍,成為港島區D1校際籃球比賽全場總冠軍。能有此佳績,全靠籃球隊在疫情期間堅持不懈的努力,使得各隊員的毅力、抗逆能力和團隊合作精神均有所提升。我們深信籃球隊能夠再接再厲,不斷進步,在未來的比賽中持續發揮所長。
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