2 March 2024


「明日領袖高峰論壇暨明日領袖選舉頒獎禮2023」於3月2日舉行。「明日領袖選舉2023」活動由傑出青年協會與香港海關青年發展委員會協辦,表揚10位具有優秀品德、樂於服務、關心社會且具領導潛質的學生領袖。英華推薦了兩位高中學生參與「明日領袖選舉2023」活動,包括施鰻芝(六戊班)和楊凱晴(四戊班)。她們於去年10月21日出席在香港海關學院舉行的啟動禮和評選日,共有40名學界青年領袖出席參與評選。兩位學生表現出色,成功進入決賽,其中施鰻芝更獲得最高榮譽,成為十大學生領袖之一。 相關新聞報導:
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26 February 2024

Silver Award in Music Competition

The Senior Choir achieved the Silver Award in the First Division - Senior Choir - Foreign Language - Girls - Secondary School Choir category at the competition organized by the Hong Kong Schools Music and Speech Association.  The event took place on February 26 at Tsuen Wan Town Hall.  We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Mr. Leung, our Music teacher, for his guidance and leadership during the competition.  The Senior Choir delivered captivating performances of "The Lord is My Shepherd" by Javier Busto and "Magos a rutafa" by Lajos Bárdos.  Their dedication and...
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22 February 2024

Awards of Dance Team 2023-2024

The participation of the Ying Wa Dance Team in the 60th Schools Dance Festival and Dance World Cup Asian Cup 2024 filled us with deep admiration.  Their performances left us captivated, showcasing their extraordinary artistry and talent.  The team received well-earned acclaim and recognition for their remarkable achievements.  Beyond the tangible rewards, this experience broadened their understanding of diverse cultures and fostered significant connections within the local artistic community. Awards of the YW Dance Team (Click)
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20 February 2024


中西區共有十一所中學於二零二三年十月至十二月間合辦了「聯校小作家計劃」,此計劃旨在培養學生運用巧妙且具創意的文字,表達對日常生活的所思所想,並提升其寫作技巧。陳奕雅 (中四丁班) 和唐小雅 (中四戊班) 參與了該計劃,並參加了由胡燕青老師、劉偉成博士和施偉諾先生主持的兩次大型文學講座。同時,她們還參與了計劃安排的兩個聯校創作班。在完成文學講座和創作班後,參與的學生需圍繞特定主題撰寫一篇具有活潑多樣性的文章,以展現與應試文章截然不同的寫作風格。陳同學和唐同學的文章獲得了極高的評價,已刊登在城市文藝雜誌第一二八期(可在各大書店購得)中。
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19 February 2024

Award of Senior Choir

The Senior Choir displayed exceptional talent and commitment at the Hong Kong Inter-school Choral Competition on February 19, achieving the esteemed Gold Award.  They delivered a mesmerizing performance of the Hungarian song, "Magos a rutafa," composed by Lajos Bárdos.  We offer our heartfelt appreciation to Mr Leung, our Music teacher, for guiding and conducting the students during the competition.  This remarkable accomplishment not only highlighted the choir's musical prowess but also emphasised their strong devotion to teamwork, discipline, and the pursuit of...
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4 February 2024

Awards of Red Cross

The Red Cross Youth Awards Ceremony 2022-2023 was organised by the Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Development Service on February 4 to acknowledge the remarkable performance of various youth units in Hong Kong.  Due to the collective efforts of our school's Hong Kong Red Cross Youth Unit 11, who excelled in competitions, acquired qualifications, and actively promoted health-related concepts among our fellow schoolmates in the previous school year, we were awarded the prestigious titles of 'Unit of the Year' and 'School Health Ambassadors Outstanding Participation Award – Overall Champion'.  We...
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20 January 2024

Award in the HKOSA 2023-24

Chan Yan Hei Yannis (6D) was recognised as one of the top 20 finalists in the Hong Kong Outstanding Students Award (HKOSA) 2023-2024.  With the participation of over 432 students from more than 130 schools, this prestigious award programme, organised by the Youth Arch Foundation, not only acknowledges academic excellence but also highlights students' active involvement in extracurricular activities, significant community contributions, and exemplary moral character.  Beyond the award itself, students had the valuable opportunity to connect and engage with peers from different schools during a...
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14 January 2024

CUHK Vex Robotics Competition

A total of 11 students from S1-3 formed two teams to participate in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Vex Robotics Competition.  Out of the 60 teams representing 40 schools, our teams successfully advanced to the final round, achieving the 11th and 13th positions respectively.  The competitions required participants to design and assemble a robot, then code it to complete designated missions.  Over the past three months, the teams put in tremendous effort to prepare for the competition.  They attended training workshops held at the CUHK and dedicated their...
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